Jan 28, 2019

FRAC Weighs in on Healthy People 2030 — the Nation’s Roadmap for Health

Senior Advisor for SNAP

Healthy People is an initiative released by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) that provides a 10-year timeline of public health objectives (e.g., increased immunization rates, reduced food insecurity) for improving the health of Americans. Healthy People is now in its fourth edition as Healthy People 2020 (launched in 2010), and efforts to develop Healthy People 2030 are well underway.

From December 3, 2018, through January 17, 2019, the public had the opportunity to provide comments on the proposed objectives for Healthy People 2030.

Jan 08, 2019

Expanding the Reach of Afterschool Meals in the Nation’s Capital

Anti-Hunger Program Associate for Child Nutrition, D.C. Hunger Solutions

We are still celebrating the passage of the Healthy Parks Amendments Act of 2018, which became law in November 2018. The new law requires the D.C. Department of Parks and Recreation (DPR) to offer all youth attending a DPR-sponsored afterschool enrichment program a supper through the Afterschool Nutrition Programs. DPR is one of the largest providers of afterschool programming in the District, and increasing the reach of afterschool meals through DPR will help ensure more low-income children receive a supper once their classes wrap up for the day.

Dec 21, 2018

Remember This December: Hunger is Solvable With School Lunch

Deputy Director, School and Out-of-School Time Programs

During the holidays and all year long, millions of individuals and families who struggle against hunger are able to access healthy food with support from the federal nutrition programs. To celebrate the nation’s nutrition safety net, FRAC is releasing a seven-part “Remember This December” series that will highlight the impact of seven important federal nutrition programs.

This is the seventh installment of the series, which focuses on school lunch. Read the previous installment on school breakfast.

Dec 21, 2018

Remember This December: Hunger is Solvable With School Breakfast

Child Nutrition Policy Analyst

During the holidays and all year long, millions of individuals and families who struggle against hunger are able to access healthy food with support from the federal nutrition programs. To celebrate the nation’s nutrition safety net, FRAC is releasing a seven-part “Remember This December” series that will highlight the impact of seven important federal nutrition programs.

This is the sixth installment of the series, which focuses on school breakfast. Read the previous installment on the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP).