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  • Report

    Health care providers have a unique opportunity to play a significant role in addressing food insecurity. This research brief explores the benefits that are available to eligible patients through SNAP, the proven health outcomes that SNAP recipients experience compared to eligible nonparticipants, and the benefits that health systems at large experience when food insecurity is addressed.

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  • Fact Sheet

    Curious about Budget Reconciliation? Trying to learn more about the process and steps to look out for? Explore this three-page report to help you prepare for the Budget Reconciliation process.

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  • Fact Sheet

    While the role of artificial intelligence (AI) for social service providers has not been studied yet, some states have already begun to weave automation into certain administrative processes. What impact could AI have on expanding access to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and other critical nutrition supports? Learn more in FRAC’s fact sheet, What Does Artificial Intelligence Mean for SNAP?

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  • Fact Sheet

    Learn how FRAC worked throughout the year to advance bold and equitable policy solutions in the fight against hunger in FRAC by the Numbers 2024.

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Hunger & Health
The Role of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program in Improving Health and Well-Being
SNAP’s role in improving health is crucially important, given the high rates of food insecurity, obesity, and diet-related chronic disease in the nation. Furthermore, leading scholars, economists, and health professionals recognize SNAP’s impacts on health and well-being.