Find an expert on solutions to ending hunger in America.

To speak with one of our experts, please contact Jordan Baker at

Browse experts on:

    • The Road to the Farm Bill
    • Bridging the Summer Hunger Gap with Summer EBT
    • Expanding Access to the Child Tax Credit
    • Momentum Building for Healthy School Meals for All
    • Addressing Hunger and Its Root Causes

Interim Child Nutrition & Policy Director: Alexis Bylander | Bio

Topics: School Breakfast Program, National School Lunch Program, Afterschool Nutrition Programs, Summer Nutrition Programs, Summer EBT, Community Eligibility Provision

Story Ideas

    • Healthy School Meals for All — offering school breakfast and lunch to all students at no charge to families —helps ensure that all children have the nutrition they need to grow and thrive. 
    • Community eligibility allows high-need schools to continue to offer free meals to all students, but many high-need schools are not participating and too many schools are not eligible. 
    • Summer EBT offers an exciting opportunity to reduce summer hunger by providing additional resources to purchase food during the summer months.

In the News

Deputy Director of Child Nutrition Programs & Policy:Clarissa Hayes | Bio

Topics: Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP)

Story Ideas

    • Leveraging CACFP for Farm to Early Care and Education.

In the News

Director of SNAP: Salaam Bhatti

Topics: SNAP

Story Ideas

    • SNAP is the nation’s first line of defense against hunger.
    • The Farm Bill presents an opportunity for Congress to pass the legislation needed to help address alarming hunger rates.
    • The Closing the Meal Gap Act would boost SNAP benefits for all participants and make further improvements.
    • The Improving Access to Nutrition Act would eliminate three-month time limits on SNAP eligibility for certain working-age adults who cannot document sufficient hours of work.
    • The Enhanced Access to SNAP Act, or the EATS Act, would put college students with lower incomes on an equal footing with other people in qualifying for SNAP.
    • The Hot Foods Act would permanently end the prohibition on the use of SNAP benefits to purchase hot-prepared foods from food retailers.
    • Lift the Bar Act seeks to restore access to public programs for lawfully present immigrants by removing the five-year waiting period and other restrictions to SNAP eligibility.
    • Restore Act would repeal the lifetime federal ban on individuals with felony drug convictions from receiving SNAP.

SNAP Deputy Director: Gina Plata-Nino | Bio

Topics: SNAP, College Hunger

Story Ideas

    • Millions of college students nationwide rely on SNAP  as a critical resource for accessing food to fuel their health and learning.
    • Research consistently demonstrates that SNAP improves the health, nutrition, and well-being of millions of households.
    • Too many college students struggling against food insecurity face obstacles in accessing SNAP.
    • The Enhanced Access to SNAP Act, or the EATS Act, would put college students with lower incomes on an equal footing with other people in qualifying for SNAP.

Director of D.C. Hunger Solutions: LaMonika Jones | Bio

Media Contact: Brittani Riddle,

Topics: Grocery Store Access, D.C. Hunger (School Breakfast Program, National School Lunch Program, Afterschool Nutrition Programs, Summer Nutrition Programs)

Story Ideas

    • Closing the grocery store gap in the nation’s capital. 
    • Scorecard report reveals too many district students are missing out on the benefits of school meals.
    • The No Senior Hungry Omnibus Amendment Act will go a long way to address the alarming rates of food insecurity among seniors in the District.
    • The Give SNAP A Raise Amendment Act will be a significant step forward in ensuring thousands of D.C. residents have access to healthy food.

In the News