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Emily Pickren

WASHINGTON, January 5, 2016 — In his plan to end childhood hunger, President Barack Obama said that “ the most effective way to eliminate child hunger and reduce hunger among adults is through a broad expansion of economic opportunity,” and also that there is a need to “strengthen and expand nutrition assistance programs.”

In FRAC’s comprehensive Plan of Action to End Hunger in America issued three months ago, these were the key points as well – fleshed out with recommendations around employment, wages, and strengthening the safety net that would dramatically reduce hunger.

Unfortunately, the National Commission report, constrained by the limiting language of the statute establishing the Commission, could not and did not address these strategies that are basic to effectively ending hunger. As the Commission report says at p. 40: “Mindful of our charge to ‘provide recommendations to more effectively use existing [USDA] programs and funds,’ our recommendations will not require significant new resources…”

Statement attributable to James D. Weill, president, Food Research & Action Center.