D.C. Hunger Solutions Walks for Food Justice
On Saturday, October 14, I joined hundreds of people, including D.C. council members, community members, food justice advocates, and my fellow colleagues at D.C. Hunger Solutions for the Grocery Walk.
On Saturday, October 14, I joined hundreds of people, including D.C. council members, community members, food justice advocates, and my fellow colleagues at D.C. Hunger Solutions for the Grocery Walk.
Heather Hartline-Grafton, Senior Nutrition Policy and Research Analyst at the Food Research & Action Center (FRAC), recently presented at the Root Cause Coalition’s Second Annual National Summit on the Social Determinants of Health in Louisville, Kentucky.
It’s National Women’s Health Week! In the conversation surrounding women’s health — from lifestyles to legislation — FRAC is recognizing the gendered impact of food insecurity. Join the conversation online with #NWHW.
A record-breaking 1,200 advocates from across the country came together to share experiences and best practices for ending hunger in their communities and hear from renowned experts at the 2017 National Anti-Hunger Policy Conference.
Women in the U.S. disproportionately experience hunger and poverty compared to American men. Here are three ways advocates and policymakers can reduce food insecurity among women.