D.C. Hunger Solutions Walks for Food Justice
On Saturday, October 14, I joined hundreds of people, including D.C. council members, community members, food justice advocates, and my fellow colleagues at D.C. Hunger Solutions for the Grocery Walk.
On Saturday, October 14, I joined hundreds of people, including D.C. council members, community members, food justice advocates, and my fellow colleagues at D.C. Hunger Solutions for the Grocery Walk.
This year, Maryland Hunger Solutions, joined other Maryland organizations, such as the Job Opportunities Task Force and Out for Justice, to advocate for the passage of the Maryland Equal Access to Food Act of 2017.
Heather Hartline-Grafton, Senior Nutrition Policy and Research Analyst at the Food Research & Action Center (FRAC), recently presented at the Root Cause Coalition’s Second Annual National Summit on the Social Determinants of Health in Louisville, Kentucky.
On October 26, the House celebrated Halloween early and passed the Senate’s scary version of the fiscal year 2018 Budget Resolution.