Older Americans Month Part 1: Understanding Food Insecurity Among Older Adults
May is Older Americans Month – an opportunity to raise awareness of important issues facing adults 50 and above across the nation.
May is Older Americans Month – an opportunity to raise awareness of important issues facing adults 50 and above across the nation.
Schools across the country are celebrating the fifth annual Every Kid Healthy Week (EKHW) this week. EKHW is an opportunity for schools, families, volunteers, and community organizations to mark their accomplishments in creating healthier school environments for students.
To help principals increase school breakfast participation among teens, FRAC and the National Association of Secondary School Principals (NASSP) partnered to release the Secondary School Principals’ Breakfast After the Bell Toolkit.
Alex Ashbrook, director of Special Projects and Initiatives at the Food Research & Action Center (FRAC), recently presented at the American Society on Aging’s Aging in America Conference in Chicago.
A record-breaking 1,200 advocates from across the country came together to share experiences and best practices for ending hunger in their communities and hear from renowned experts at the 2017 National Anti-Hunger Policy Conference.