Jun 01, 2020

Hunger in Native America and Our Resilient Response

Chief Executive Officer of the Native American Agriculture Fund and FRAC Board Member

Hunger and food insecurity is no stranger for Native Americans, who collectively make up self-governing communities throughout the United States known as Indian Country. Community food deficits are a pervasive fact of life, persisting for centuries for American’s first citizens. Traumatic events like pandemics amplify these circumstances. As COVID-19 numbers rise, so do the challenges and impacts on Native peoples’ health and access to food. In order to address the escalating health crisis caused by COVID-19, Tribal governments are justifiably closing their borders and businesses. Suppressing exposure to the pandemic is a solid, rational and critical step that Tribal governments must take to protect their citizens.

May 28, 2020

Resource Roundup: Older Adult Food Insecurity and the Response to COVID-19

Program Manager, Root Causes and Specific Populations

Struggling with food insecurity and the associated health risks well before the COVID-19 public health crisis began, older adults have been hit particularly hard by the pandemic, especially those who are 65 and older, older adults of color, and older adults with underlying medical conditions. Many are at disproportionate risk of contracting COVID-19, and struggle to put food on the table, let alone stockpile enough for sheltering in place. 

May 26, 2020

Basic Needs Insecurities Prevalent Among Parenting College Students

Emerson Hunger Fellow

A recent report released by the Hope Center for College, Community, and Justice, an action research center focused on advancing changes to meet real college students’ needs, focuses on the experiences and basic needs of students parenting while in college. The purpose of this report is to draw attention to the reality for most parenting students and promote policy changes and practices that can offer the best support.

May 20, 2020

Boosting SNAP Benefits Can Help Keep Older Adults Nourished, Especially in Wake of COVID-19

Director of Root Causes and Specific Populations

May is Older Americans Month. So many of us are worried about the older adults in our lives, and one thing that tops the list of concerns is thinking about how our loved ones can access food. Across the nation, the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) is the first line of defense for older adults experiencing food insecurity each day, and that is especially the case during the COVID-19 pandemic. For millions of older adults in the U.S., the basis of concerns about accessing food is a lack of resources to afford enough food.

May 15, 2020

High Food Insecurity and Poverty Rates Are Hiding Among Asian Pacific American Populations

Content Writer/Technical Editor

Food insecurity, and its root cause, poverty, do not discriminate: they harm individuals, families, and communities across the U.S., regardless of demographics. One group that rarely receives attention for its alarmingly high levels of food insecurity and poverty is APA. This oversight is detrimental for APA people and the nation as a whole. In a deep dive into the divide between APA and the U.S. overall, Prosperity Now, with the help of Pew Research Center’s data, found that APA is the fastest-growing racial group in the U.S., with the fastest-growing — and widest — wealth gap, making APA the most economically divided racial group.