Aug 12, 2020

Centering Racial Equity in the SNAP Response to COVID-19

Emerson Hunger Fellow

While we await the next coronavirus relief stimulus package, it’s important to consider whether measures taken so far have reached the most vulnerable populations. The COVID-19 pandemic is one that affects all groups, but one that has impacted groups differently. With unemployment rates skyrocketing, infection rates spiking, and racism being declared a public health crisis in over 20 cities, Black communities and other marginalized racial and ethnic communities are being hit the hardest.

Aug 04, 2020

Expanding Access to Summer Meals: A Look at FRAC’s Annual Summer Nutrition Report

Deputy Director, School and Out-of-School Time Programs

FRAC’s Hunger Doesn’t Take a Vacation: Summer Nutrition Status Report released this week finds that 2.8 million children received a lunch through the Summer Nutrition Programs in July 2019, a decrease of 77,000 children from July 2018. The Summer Nutrition Programs provided lunch to only one child for every seven children who participated in free and reduced-price school lunch during the 2018–2019 regular school year.

Jul 31, 2020

Nearly 60 Percent Increase in Older Adult Food Insecurity During COVID-19: Federal Action on SNAP Needed Now

Director of Root Causes and Specific Populations

A new analysis from Diane Schanzenbach and Northwestern University shows that 13.5 percent of older adults (60+) face food insecurity, a dramatic increase of nearly 60 percent from pre-COVID-19 levels. Food insecurity rates are especially high among Black and Hispanic older adults.

Jul 17, 2020

Hurricane Season Is One More Reason to Strengthen SNAP Now

SNAP Director

Even as we struggle with the health and economic impacts of COVID-19, our nation could face additional challenges from hurricanes that typically arise in the Atlantic Ocean during late summer and early fall. Federal action now to boost SNAP benefits and to allow for administrative flexibilities can address hardships due to potential hurricanes as well as those hardships caused by COVID-19.

Jul 03, 2020

Senators urge boost to SNAP

Digital Media Associate

Senate Agriculture Committee Ranking Member Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) took to the Senate floor yesterday, July 1, to lead speeches on the urgency for the Senate to take up a COVID-19 recovery package that must include boosts to SNAP. Watch the speeches starting at the 10:27:42 mark. Senator Stabenow was joined by Senators Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), Ron Wyden (D-OR), Jeff Merkley (D-OR), and Bob Casey (D-PA) in amplifying the urgent need to boost SNAP in the next COVID-19 recovery package. Other senators joined in on social media.

Tags: Senate, SNAP