Apr 16, 2021

Importance of SNAP and Child Support Payments to Child Food Security and Well-Being

Senior Advisor for SNAP

A recent “NCSEA On Location” podcast, sponsored by the National Child Support Enforcement Association, focused on how the child support program and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) work to address food insecurity within families. In general, child support refers to the ongoing payments made by one parent to another parent to provide financial support for a child.

Apr 12, 2021

Reducing Food Insecurity Among College Students

Emerson Hunger Fellow

There is a common misconception that college students cannot, or do not, face food insecurity. When we imagine who attends college, we often think of students fresh out of high school, supported by their middle- to upper-middle-class — often white — parents. We imagine modern dormitories with ample amenities and seemingly unending supplies of cafeteria food, all freely accessible with just the swipe of one’s student ID.

However, given the demographic shift in who attends college, what we previously imagined about college students is no longer in touch with reality, if it ever was.

Apr 02, 2021

DHS Public Charge Rule Blocked: Update and What’s Next

The Trump administration’s 2019 Department of Homeland Security (DHS) public charge rule has been removed. This victory is in no small part thanks to the tireless work of anti-hunger advocates and Protecting Immigrant Families Campaign partners who helped block the public charge rule and its harms to the nutrition, health, and well-being of immigrant families.