New Mexico’s First-of-its-kind Legislation Addresses Unpaid School Meal Fees in Effort to Create Hunger-Free Schools

Santa Fe, N.M., March 20, 2017 — New Mexico could become the first state in the nation to pass legislation that protects children from punishment in the school cafeteria because their family has not paid their school meal debt. The bill draws a line in the sand between the student and the unpaid school meal fees that their parents or guardians owe, oftentimes because they cannot afford to pay on time.

Annual Scorecard Ranks States on School Breakfast Participation

WASHINGTON, February 14, 2017 — School breakfast participation rates continue to increase, according to the annual School Breakfast Scorecard, released today by the Food Research & Action Center (FRAC). The Scorecard ranks states on the participation of low-income children in the School Breakfast Program. West Virginia tops the list, with New Mexico and the District of Columbia coming in second and third, respectively.

New Resource Available to Help Pediatricians Identify and Treat Child Hunger

WASHINGTON, February 9, 2017 — The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the Food Research & Action Center (FRAC) jointly released a comprehensive new resource on how to identify and address childhood food insecurity. Addressing Food Insecurity: A Toolkit for Pediatricians provides information on how to screen patients for food insecurity, address the topic in a sensitive manner, and advocate for greater food security for children and their families.