Nov 05, 2018

Beyond the Numbers: Storytelling Highlights the Power of SNAP

Digital Media Associate

The State of Obesity recently released a collection of firsthand accounts from SNAP participants. The collection of SNAP stories goes beyond facts and figures and uses personal experience to discuss the critical support SNAP provides to individuals from all walks of life across the nation. StoryCorps and Upworthy produced the narratives with funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

Tags: Hunger, SNAP
Oct 24, 2018

Local Advocates Bring a “Burst of Food Advocacy Energy” to Maryland

Director, Maryland Hunger Solutions

To address food insecurity and poverty in Maryland, more than 150 Marylanders came together for the eighth annual Maryland Food Access and Nutrition Network (MFANN) Fighting Hunger in Maryland conference in Annapolis on October 9. As the only statewide anti-hunger conference, MFANN Fighting Hunger in Maryland connects leaders from state and local agencies, nonprofits, schools, and advocacy organizations to inform, engage, and inspire action to reduce hunger and promote equity in food access and nutrition in Maryland.

Oct 18, 2018

#RaiseYourHand for Community Eligibility Districts During #NSLW2018

Child Nutrition Policy Analyst

Raise your hand for the many school districts across the country that are stepping up to the challenge of fighting hunger in their schools by adopting community eligibility. Below are just a few model school districts that show how invaluable community eligibility and school meals are for students.

Oct 10, 2018

Afterschool Suppers: Moving in the Right Direction

Deputy Director, School and Out-of-School Time Programs

FRAC’s Afterschool Suppers: A Snapshot of Participation report released this week finds that in October 2017, 1.2 million children received an afterschool supper, an 11 percent increase from October 2016, and 1.6 million children received a snack on an average weekday. More than 46,000 afterschool programs provided a supper, a snack, or both through the Afterschool Nutrition Programs in October 2017.

Oct 02, 2018

The Data Are Clear: SNAP Matters for Americans

Senior Research and Policy Analyst

Despite benefits generally agreed to be inadequate for a healthy diet through the month, SNAP helps lift millions out of poverty by increasing their purchasing power to afford adequate food. That’s according to the Supplemental Poverty Measure (SPM), an annual report released by the Census Bureau. In September, the Census Bureau released the SPM as well as its report on income and poverty in the U.S., and the U.S. Department of Agriculture published the latest national rates of food insecurity. Collectively, the statistics vividly demonstrate how critical it is to continue to protect SNAP from proposed cuts.

Tags: Hunger, SNAP