Summer 2024 marked the inaugural year of the Summer Electronic Benefit Transfer Program (Summer EBT). The program, also known as SUN Bucks, provides families with $120 in grocery benefits for each school-age child who is eligible for free or reduced-price school meals. A total of 37 states, two Indian Tribal Organizations (ITOs), and all five U.S. territories participated in the first year of implementation.
This week, the Food Research & Action Center (FRAC) released its annual Afterschool Suppers: A Snapshot of Participation — October 2023 report, which looks at participation in afterschool suppers and afterschool snacks on the state and national levels. The report comes ahead of the 25th anniversary of the Afterschool Alliance’s annual Lights On Afterschool celebration on October 24, which will shine a light on the important role afterschool programs play in supporting families and communities.
Every year on October 16, World Food Day, founded in 1979 by the United Nations, aims to raise awareness of hunger and malnutrition, and create an opportunity to promote healthy diets for all. Opportunities to combat hunger and improve nutrition cannot be for a short-term fix. Sustainable solutions are needed.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, people living in America learned very quickly that our own food supply chain is far from sustainable and is in fact quite frail, and that our safety net is tattered. Thankfully, we had the resources to create additional supports, such as Emergency Allotments for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), expanded and inclusive child tax credits, and healthy free school meals for all students, for a true safety net.