Sep 29, 2023

Supporting Equity in Puerto Rico: Switching from NAP to SNAP

This month marks the sixth anniversary of Hurricane Maria, which had devastating impacts on Puerto Rico. Maria was one of the worst storms to ever hit the island and the deadliest natural disaster on a U.S. territory in 100 years. Since then, the island has seen earthquakes, tropical storms, and hurricanes, including Fiona in 2022, impacting and sometimes halting the recovery process for Maria. While the resilience of its residents continues, so does an increase in food insecurity.
Unlike in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the Virgin Islands, in Puerto Rico residents – who are United States Citizens – do not receive Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits. Instead, Puerto Rico receives the Nutrition Assistance Program (NAP), which is structured differently from SNAP. This is a result of the Reagan administration’s severe budget cuts in the 1980s to what was then called the Food Stamp Program (FSP). Part of the budget cuts included excluding Puerto Rico from SNAP, which automatically reduced aid by 25 percent.

Sep 26, 2023

What to Know About SNAP and a Government Shutdown

Congress must enact interim or full-year appropriations by October 1, the beginning of the federal fiscal year for agencies and programs whose continued operation depends on annual appropriation acts. A failure to do so creates a funding gap, at which point the federal government begins a “shutdown” of affected activities, including the furlough of nonessential personnel and curtailment of agency activities and services as we saw in 2019. To avoid a government shutdown, Congress may enact short-term measures, known as “continuing resolutions” (CRs), to keep the government funded for a few days, weeks, or months at previous levels until final budgeting decisions are made.If Congress fails to pass either full-year appropriations bills or a continuing resolution, the federal government will shut down all programs dependent on annual appropriations, including SNAP.

Sep 21, 2023

Census Data Reveals Surge in Poverty

Last week, the Census Bureau released data on poverty in the U.S. for 2022. We learned that, from 2021 to 2022, the Supplemental Poverty Measure (SPM) increased by 60 percent overall and more than doubled among children. This significant increase in poverty is likely due to the end of pandemic-era programs and is one of many indicators that hunger is also on the rise.

Sep 08, 2023

Leveraging Federal Nutrition Programs to End Hunger Among Older Adults This Grandparents Day

Director of Root Causes and Specific Populations

Sunday September 10 is Grandparents Day. To address food insecurity among older adults, it is vital to leverage and invest in the federal nutrition programs for their proven ability to support the nutrition, health, and well-being of millions of older adults, and generate economic activity.
Federal nutrition programs like the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) can be game-changers for grandfamilies, providing financial and nutritional support to ensure that caregivers and children are nourished and healthy. This work is more important than ever, given that older adults continue to grapple with high food prices and the impact of the COVID-19 public health and economic crisis.

Sep 07, 2023

SNAP Reductions Hurt U.S. Households and State Economies

Researchers at the University of Pennsylvania recently published a study utilizing national data from the U.S. Census Bureau’s Household Pulse Survey to analyze the effect the end of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) Emergency Allotments (EAs) have had on food insufficiency, which is not having enough to eat.