FRAC P-EBT Resources
- P-EBT for School Year 2022–2023 and Summer 2023
- P-EBT for School Year 2021-2022
- P-EBT for Summer 2021
- P-EBT for School Year 2020-2021
- P-EBT for Children Under 6 Years OldP-EBT for Kids Under 6 on SNAP Fact Sheet
P-EBT for Kids Under 6 on SNAP Outreach Toolkit
Summer P-EBT for Children Under 6 Summary of Guidance
FAQ for P-EBT in Summer 2021
Simplifying Assumption Options for State Plans to Maximize P-EBT Benefits for Children Under 6 Guide
State Specific Case Studies: Arizona, D.C., Massachusetts, Rhode Island
P-EBT for Children Under 6 in Households Receiving SNAP – FAQ - Communication and OutreachP-EBT for Kids Under 6 on SNAP Outreach Toolkit
SNAP Outreach: A Win-Win for School Districts and Families
Every U.S. Region is Calling for a Permanent Summer EBT Program
P-EBT Communications Toolkit
FRAC’s Customizable P-EBT Outreach Materials
FRAC’s P-EBT Communications Resources Shared Drive (includes sample outreach materials) - P-EBT StudiesPandemic EBT in CA: Lessons & Opportunities to End Childhood Hunger
Directly Issuing P-EBT Benefits Remarkably Increases Participation: A Wyoming Case Study
New America’s Report: “It has meant everything”: How P-EBT Helped Families in Michigan
New America/FRAC/Ed Trust Snapshot: Pandemic EBT: “It has Meant Everything”: How P-EBT Helped Families in Michigan
The Hamilton Project’s Report: The Effect of Pandemic EBT on Measures of Food Hardship

Pandemic EBT: Recommendations for a Permanent Nationwide Summer EBT Program
FRAC’s latest report, Pandemic EBT: Recommendations for a Permanent Nationwide Summer EBT Program, identifies best practices to ensure that children have access to nutrition benefits during the summer.

FRAC/CBPP P-EBT Documentation Project Shows how States Implemented a New Program to Provide Food Benefits to Up to 30 Million Low-Income School Children
Click here to view FRAC and CBPP’s latest report, along with 52 state profiles that document state implementation of P-EBT across issues.
Details from State Plans for Summer 2023
- No plans approved
- Only one plan approved (SY or Summer)
- Summer and at least one SY plan