July 15, 2020

Poverty, Hunger, Health and the Federal Food Programs: A Profile of the Southern Region

The public health and economic crisis created by COVID-19 is exacerbating the already alarming rates of food insecurity, health disparities and racial inequities in the Southern Region of the U.S. FRAC’s newest report  analyzes poverty rates, food insecurity levels, health disparities, racial inequities, and federal nutrition program participation in the southern states. The report finds [...]

Poverty, Hunger, Health, and the Federal Nutrition Programs: A Profile of the Southern Region – Interactive Chart Book

Follow this link to FRAC’s Poverty, Hunger, Health, and the Federal Nutrition Programs: A Profile of the Southern Region. Many in the Southern Region states live with the crushing burdens of food insecurity, poverty, health disparities, and historical and structural racism. These inequities have serious consequences for the health and well-being of children and adults. […]

July 3, 2020

Senators urge boost to SNAP

July 3, 2020 Senate Agriculture Committee Ranking Member Debbie Stabenow (D-MI) took to the Senate floor yesterday, July 1, to lead speeches on the urgency for the Senate to take up a COVID-19 recovery package that must include boosts to SNAP. Watch the speeches starting at the 10:27:42 mark. Senator Stabenow was joined by Senators Sherrod Brown […]

July 1, 2020

Five Reasons to Take a Fresh Look at Community Eligibility

July 1, 2020 Community eligibility allows school districts to offer free school meals to all students. Here are five reasons to take a fresh look at community eligibility now. Community eligibility offers school districts and schools an important opportunity to meet the nutritional needs of their students, particularly as millions of families are losing jobs […]