September 23, 2020

House of Representatives Takes Important Steps to Address Childhood Hunger in Continuing Resolution

Media Contact: Colleen Barton Sutton 703-203-7843 Statement attributed to Luis Guardia, president, Food Research & Action Center (FRAC) WASHINGTON, September 22, 2020 —The Food Research & Action Center (FRAC) is pleased that the House of Representatives passed a Continuing Resolution tonight that will go a long way in addressing childhood hunger, which has grown […]

September 14, 2020

Congress Must Renew and Expand Pandemic EBT to Feed Hungry Kids

September 14, 2020 Millions of families have lost jobs and wages due to the economic crisis created by COVID-19. In response, Congress has taken a number of steps to mitigate the impact of the pandemic on hunger, unemployment, and housing. These efforts — some of which already have expired or will expire on September 30 […]

Not Enough to Eat

Not Enough to Eat: COVID-19 Deepens America’s Hunger Crisis finds that Black and Latinx households, women, and children have been particularly hit hard during the pandemic. The report also underscores how the struggle to put food on the table would be far worse if not for federal nutrition programs. Spread the word: Communications Toolkit

September 3, 2020

This Labor Day, America Needs HEROES

UPDATED September 4, 2020 Labor Day traditionally honors America’s workers. It reminds us annually how important jobs, decent pay, and safe working conditions are for our nation. This Labor Day, too many of our fellow Americans are struggling with job loss, cutbacks in hours, and food hardship. Unemployment was higher in August than in February, […]