For a full list of reimbursement rates for the Child Nutrition Programs, please see our Reimbursement Rates & Income Guidelines.

CACFP Reimbursement Rates






Afterschool Meal and Snack Programs

July 2024 through June 2025

Sites that are located in low-income areas (where at least 50 percent of the children in the local elementary, middle, or high school are eligible for free or reduced-price school meals and snacks) receive the free rate for all meals and snacks served.

CACFP Outside-School-Hours Care Center (OSHCC) Program

Programs participating in OSHCC are reimbursed based upon each child’s eligibility for free, reduced-price, or paid meals.

The CACFP reimbursement rates listed above do not include the value of commodities (or cash in lieu of commodities), $0.295 for July 2024 through June 2025, which CACFP provides for each lunch and dinner served.

Meals and snacks served in Alaska and Hawaii are reimbursed at a higher rate because of high food costs in these states.

NSLP Afterschool Snacks

July 2024 through June 2025






Sites that are located in low-income areas (where at least 50 percent of the children in the local elementary, middle, or high school are eligible for free or reduced-price school meals and snacks) receive the free rate for all the snacks served. If the site is not located in a low-income area, it is reimbursed based upon each child’s eligibility for free, reduced-price, or paid school meals.

Snacks served in Alaska and Hawaii are reimbursed at a higher rate because of high food costs in these states.