Resources can be added and managed on the Resources dashboard.
Adding Resources
Under the Resources section in the sidebar, or at the top of the page on a Resources section dashboard, click Add New to bring up the Add New Resource page. Options include the following:
- Title: the title of the item, displayed in resource lists and used in the SEO title by default.
- Main content: add the full text of the resource here (or full description, for downloadable resources), including images if relevant.
- Description: the summary or short description that appears in the Resources List element and on the Resources page. Try to keep these descriptions under 223 characters, including spaces.
- Resource type: select the type of resource – report, webinar, etc. – from the dropdown selector (not the sidebar). This list is managed in the Resource Types dashboard, under Resources in the dashboard sidebar menu.
- Read more link text: the text that is styled as a link on the resource card, to act as a call to action. “Read the report”, “View the infographic”, etc.
- Topics: add topics related to the current post from the checkbox list (not the sidebar). These topics are actually separate from the ones used on other post types, as this structure is necessary for the topics filter on the resources list page. Multiple topics may be selected.
- Featured: the sidebar on individual resource pages displays the most recent resources that have been marked as “featured” using this setting.
- File download: upload a file to attach to the resource card, or pick one from the media library.
- Related resources: select other resources to associate with the current item.
- Publish settings: click the Publish button when you are ready to make the resource live, or schedule it for future publication. Resources are displayed in reverse date order (newest first) by default, so you can manipulate the order of posts in the listing by changing the post date if necessary.
- Other sidebar settings (resource types, topics, sidebars): these elements are generated automatically by WordPress and are not the same as the ones in the left editor panel. Use the other ones instead.
Editing Resources
Click the Resources header in the dashboard sidebar menu, then click the resource title to edit. Click the Update button to make your updates live.
Managing Resource Types and Topics
All resources are associated with a Resource Type and one or more Topics to allow filtering on the resources list page. Changing these options will automatically update the filters on the resource list page and the options when editing resources. To add or manage them, hover over Resources in the dashboard sidebar menu and select Resource Types or Topics, respectively. Resource types include the following options:
- Name: the display name of the resource type. Note that the names are generally singular: “Report”, “Graphic”, etc.
- Slug: the URL-friendly name of the resource type. This will be generated automatically if you don’t set it.
- Description: not needed.
- Icon: upload or choose an icon image from the media library (size: 25px by 25px).
Topics include the following options:
- Name: the display name of the topic.
- Slug: the URL-friendly name of the resource type. This will be generated automatically if you don’t set it.
- Description: not needed.
Remember that this list is distinct from the topics that can be added to blog posts.