This interactive map provides state-by-state data on participation in breakfast and lunch service through the Summer Nutrition Programs for July 2019. The data include the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP) and the National School Lunch Program (NSLP) and National School Breakfast Program (SBP) through the Seamless Summer Option (SSO). See the list of interactive tables below the map.

Interactive Map State Participation in Summer Nutrition Programs in July 2019


Lunch Service: the lunch service map represents the ratio of July 2019 summer lunch participation to free and reduced-price NSLP lunch participation during the 2018–2019 school year. Darker shades of blue indicate higher participation ratios.

Breakfast Service: The breakfast service map represents the ratio of summer breakfast participation to summer lunch participation in July 2019. Darker shades of green indicate higher participation ratios.

Interactive Tables on Lunch Participation

  1. Summer Lunch Participation
  2. Participation in Summer Food Service Program and National School Lunch Program in July
  3. Sponsors and Sites
  4. Lunches Served by Month
  5. Additional Children Served and Federal Dollars Received if States Met FRAC Goal

Interactive Tables on Breakfast Participation

  1. Summer Breakfast Participation
  2. Additional Children Served and Federal Dollars Received if States Met FRAC Goal
  3. Participation in Summer Food Service Program and School Breakfast Program in July
  4. Breakfasts Served by Month
  5. Group 1: Strong Participation in Summer Breakfast and Summer Lunch
  6. Group 2: Strong Participation in Summer Breakfast Relative to Weak Participation in Summer Lunch
  7. Group 3: Weak Participation in Summer Breakfast Relative to Strong Participation in Summer Lunch
  8. Group 4: Weak Participation in Summer Breakfast and Summer Lunch

These data are based on FRAC’s analysis of administrative data shared with FRAC by USDA and state nutrition and education agencies, and are featured in FRAC’s summer nutrition reports: Hunger Doesn’t Take a Vacation: Summer Nutrition Status Report (released August 2020) and Hunger Doesn’t Take a Vacation: Summer Breakfast Status Report (released August 2020).

Note: Works best in Chrome and Firefox. Data last updated September 2020.