• Households with older adults (60+) facing food insecurity

    Interactive Data Tool

    This interactive map provides food insecurity rates among households with older adults age 60+, by state, on average over 2018-2020. Scroll over a state to view older adult household food insecurity rates (margins of error are shown in parentheses).

    Explore the interactive, searchable table of older adult household food insecurity rates by state.

    Note: Works best in Chrome and Firefox.

    Source: FRAC analysis of Current Population Survey-Food Security Supplement data, 2018-2020.

    A * indicates the state rate is significantly different from the national rate.
    Margins of error were calculated based on a 90% confidence level.
    Food insecurity = low food security + very low food security
    Low food security: Reports of reduced quality, variety, or desirability of diet with little or no indication of reduced food intake.
    Very low food security: Reports of multiple indications of disrupted eating patterns and reduced food intake.
    Definitions from USDA